Monday, April 25, 2016

EOC Week 4: A new app

I have a new app idea that would help people working with large files. I think that there should be an app that works as a storage space for files such as videos and pictures. The app would be like a vault that you can use to access your pictures. But unlike similar apps, it would be connected to the internet so it would use the storage space on your phone. This is a great idea because with things like Instagram and snap chat a lot more people are taking picture of everything. They also are making the cameras have a higher resolution which again means it takes up more space. Upon the download I think that you should get a option, where you can set it as your default saving method so that you can take pictures on the fly and they automatically go into the internet drive. This would help people have more free space on there phone for other apps or music or whatever they like. This drive could also be used to back up important data. With this drive it will be able to me accessed through the internet so you would be able to upload content through a computer, from a high quality camera. This internet drive could also be used to save audio or recorded files. Then if you have music or something recorded on a device that is not your phone you can always get on the internet and upload some more files. This idea needs to be thought out a little bit more because it a little rough around the edges but over all I think that it is and app that most people would fine helpful or useful, especially people that are in a creative artistic field like students in the art institute.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 2 EOC: Gaming

A cash cow for the video game industry is the new Play station 4. Play station is cheeper then most of it competitors with the same resolution and gaming experience. The PlayStaion 4 launched in 2013 and sold  1 million units world wide in the first 24 hours. Before that the Playstation 3 had sold over 80 million copies total. Before that the PlayStation 2 was named the best selling home gaming system. Talk about money!
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PC Games are now question marks. Now for some reason, PC games are coming out more then ever. Most Games that come out now  are also availbe on PC. With some games you can even play with people on their gaming systems such as PS4. But still with the PC you still need to update thing like Graphics cards and monitors which is the down side that makes this questionable.
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Mobile games or apps are now stars, because of there convince and accessibility. Today is is hard to imagine going anywhere with out your phone. And with games literally at your figure tips at all times it makes mobile gaming more accessible. Whenever you need to kill time you can just pull out your phone and stay busy for hours. App game all so make it convent for you, you have all your games in one place. you have no need for hand held games like PSP or Gamboy's.
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While the Nintendo 3ds sells skyrocket, the wii u sells stay the same. People predict the wii system isnt going anywhere just yet. Nintendo's cash cow is the 3DS so they will keep trying to keep up with the PlayStation and x box gaming systems. But will it ever surpass Playstaion or X box? Probably Not which is why Nintendo is just a dod,
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Monday, April 4, 2016

Week 1 EOC: Great Customer Service

I Had exceptional customer service recently by a realtor lately. Me and and five friends have been trying to get a house lately that has five bedrooms and can fit most of our needs and requirements. This has not been easy for us because were young and only 3 out of five of us have rental experience. So we have been looking at houses for about 3 weeks now with no luck. The first house that we really wanted we go denied on our application they didn't even process the application. The owner of the house took one look mat our application and threw it away. We didn't expect this so it hit us kind of hard. a lot of us lost hope that we would find a good house but we kept going. So this time I set up 3 house to look at and view. Two of the house were the exact same model but one looked better and was cheaper so we gravitated towards that one. Now we didn't want to get rejected again so we asked more questions and they eventually directed us to the property manager for a man named Dennis. Now, they told us he was very easy to work with and he was good at compromising. so we called him up and I introduced myself and I said we wanted to know more about the expectations of what the owner wants to see. And all he asked me was how many of you guys are there? and I said five. After that he went on saying it was to many and that it would cause problems for the neighbors because all of the cars and that it would be hard for him do do anything at all. After that we went to the other house. We told the realtor what had happened with Dennis and she couldn't believe it. She then said," I will help you guys by sending you more options or giving you some tips on applying at this house." when we asked her why she was being so kind to us? and she said, "If we keep trying to do what’s right, at the end of the day we believe the marketplace will reward us." The social Marketing concept. So we took her advice and we are going to see what happens today actually.

Week 1 eoc: My voice

              Visual effects is my passion. With visual effects I can make people feel an emotion at at cretin point in time and I love that. I like it when people see my videos and they laugh, cry, smile, or show any emotion what so ever. With visual effects you can shoot a scene that looks good the way it is, but then you make make it even more intense with visuals. For example, if you have a romantic scene between a boy and a girl and he is walking her home and there's snow on the ground and it's mid day and they go in for a kiss. That's great and all but you can make that even more visually appealing seamlessly, with adding some effects. So instead of them walking home mid day. Imagine them walking home at dusk, and instead of snow just being on the ground you can add some snow particles falling to the ground slowly to bring out more emotion. Visual effects is great and the thing about being good at visual effects is if you are good at it, know one even notices it. That's right you spend hours and hours on a project and no one even notices it. But I like it that way its  fulfilling when people don't know that I created something amazing. So this is definitely a job that you do for the love of it, and I love it.